Sunday, 31 October 2010

"City of the future".



A Vegetal City:


A City in the Forest:


I really like the above image, and the concept behind it. Mixing urban and agricultural environments could be a good direction to take for this project... Perhaps somehow incorporating the eco-systems within a forest/natural space, with a civilisation, i.e. city. ?

Living City Design.

Just trying to get my head around this brief at the minute.

  1. Build a model for the future of civilization
  2. Clearly envision the future... Urban Ecosystems.
  3. Density, Shading, Urban Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Water Use.
  4. Solid ecological and architectural principals?
  • rich street life (pedestrians & public transport).
  • green city infrastructure for water and waste.
  • net zero energy & water community?
  • agriculture imbedded into the community.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Although my original thinking had been to create 'alive' for my garden, having photographed Botanic Gardens [previous post], it seems like there wasn't much life about the place. This time of year (Autumn) is my favourite because I think the colours are lovely, however, dead leaves, twigs and flowers do not scream ALIVE to me?! Hmmmm.

Botanic Gardens